Thursday, October 9, 2014

Have been listening to Smashing Pumpkins lately

No matter where you are
I can still hear you when you drown
You've traveled very far
Just to see you I'll come around

When I'm down
All of those yesterdays
Coming around

No matter where you are
I can still hear you when you dream
You traveled very far, like a star

And you are
All of those yesterdays
Coming around

Is it something someone said?
Was it something someone said?

Yesterday the sky was you
And I feel the same
Nothing left for me to do
And I still feel the same
I wish, I wish I could fly
I will, I will try
I will, I will

--Drown, Smashing Pumpkins

Friday, August 29, 2014


There is nothing extraordinary in the scene below. However, I saw in it  a special warmth that reminds me of my childhood. Everything was so simple and carefree. I thought life should really be like this. How come later in life we became so distracted with various unnecessary desires and anxieties? As adults, we have the propensity to forget the essentials – the things that really matter. However, seeking the things that matter is a conundrum. We either got lost or end up in a moral cul-de-sac.

By the way, as if it would really matter, I took this photo while wandering in Bacolod City with my Zorki 4.  It was loaded with a Lucky 200.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Religion is a recurring theme of mine. Perhaps, I equate it to faith. But it is clear (or not so) to me that faith and religion are two different concepts. For me, religion got something to do with organizations engaged in the practice of faith. It is something tangible; something you can grasp. On the other hand, faith is invisible and beyond the logic of science. It is the substance behind the form.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


One day at the Hall of Justice.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


What is apparent is not necessarily the truth. Our vision is often blurred by the myriad distractions and deceptions around us. Thus making the truth beyond the grasp of our comprehension. Nevertheless, many of us still chose to accept the visage that stood before us and accept without really understanding what lies beneath the surface.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Murakami's Shade

"You should give up looking for lost cats and start searching for the other half of your shadow"
                                   -Otsuka's advice to Nakata (Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore)

Taken with a Pentax Spotmatic/Kodak Color Plus 200

Saturday, February 8, 2014


So, this is my first post. I guess I will be using this blog to share my photographic sojourn.Nothing really serious as photography is just something I do on my free time. By the way, the following are my main cameras - a Pentax Spotmatic, a Zorki 4, and a Ricoh GRD IV. I love the nostalgic feel of analogue but I do still believe in the convenience of digital. 

Perhaps in the next posts, I will probably write more sense. I hope.